Lån Lav Rente (Low Interest Loans): How Lending Firms Set the Rates?
For a lot of individuals, the factors that control a banking establishment’s interest rate (IR) are a profound mystery. So how do banking institutions decide what IR to change? Why do banks charge different IRs to different clients? And why do banking institutions charge higher interest rates for some kinds of advancements, like credit card advancements, compared to housing and car loans?
Following is a set of discussions of concepts lending firms use to determine IRs. It is crucial to note that a lot of financial institutions charges fees and interest to raise income. Still, for the purpose of this discussion, we will take a closer look at the interest and assume that pricing principles remain the same if the institution also charges fees.
Loan-pricing and Cost Model
A simple loan pricing model assumes that the interest rate charged on loans includes components mentioned below:
Banks incur funding costs to …
Lån Lav Rente (Low Interest Loans): How Lending Firms Set the Rates? Read More