There are a certain amount of financial questions which should be asked in a marriage but each partner often avoids them.
Listed here are five of them:–
1 Do either of you in your partnership or relationship moan about the level of money the other one is spending?

2 Do you get a shock because the account balance you have to pay is higher than you estimated when the charge card bill drops in your mail box?
3 However often you went out, are there excessive outfits in the wardrobe like shoes, dresses and suits that you can wear?
4 Do you rush out shopping before anyone else to have all the current products that appear out there?
5 Have you ever looked at something being shown or demonstrated in a shop and bought it on the spot even though it wasn’t and never had been on the shopping list for that day.
I suspect there are very few partners who are able to truthfully answer “No” to each of these problems, meaning that we all can spend cash without thinking even though it is simply a little retail therapy.
It isn’t a good practice for you, your partner, spouse or other family members. When we spend every cent that we earn impulsively, we are much less likely to be saving for the important things in life such as a new home, a car or that super holiday.
Perhaps it is time to seriously think about the things that you desperately want to accomplish in life and start making plans for them instead of paying out all your cash the instant it gets to the banking account.
Your entire family will suffer someday if you keep on with your impulse buying. It could be time to put it right now because you ought to by now realize the silliness of what you are doing.
The first thought is to look into what you need plus what you want, they may not be exactly the same.
We are urged to squander our money because of the clever companies on the telly on a regular basis. Wait for a day or two next time you have that impulsive feeling when you notice a thing which you want. That will give you the time to figure out whether you just want it or genuinely do need it.
For your daily or weekly grocery shopping decide what items you need prior to going. When you go out shopping simply carry only enough cash to buy the things that you have written down. Don’t carry your credit cards on this trip, do not take them shopping with you or you’ll start buying your wants once again.
This will ensure that you take that couple of days to think about it when you see a product that you feel you want. Actually, take seven days instead of a few days.
I hope this has offered you a recipe to keep control of your finances and manage a happy personal relationship too.