Angel Investor Vs. Venture Capital Database – What Are The Main Differences?
In this article I compare Angel Investor vs. Venture Capital Databases to identify the main differences? Of course, the primary difference is the investors in each database; i.e. the angel investor database includes angel investors while the venture capital database includes venture capital firms. So, then you may be wondering “What is the difference between a VC firm and an angel investor?”
The main differences between angels and venture capitalists are as follows:
Investment Size: The size of investments differ by investor, but most often an angel will commit a much smaller amount of capital to a small business or entrepreneur than a venture capital firm would. This is true for a number of reasons including: the stage of the business, investable income, risk and structure of the investor and/or fund.
What is the stage of the business?: This is a very important consideration, because angels typically invest …
Angel Investor Vs. Venture Capital Database – What Are The Main Differences? Read More